Sync with SMS for Zoho Recruit.

Boost your recruitment with MessageMedia and Zoho Recruit

Zoho integrations

About Zoho Recruit.

    The all-in-one applicant tracking system for the modern recruiter. Share your job openings with the world! Publish job openings to your company's website and the most popular job boards to increase exposure and start sourcing top talent.

      The MessageMedia integration allows you to send SMS within Zoho Recruit. Save time by automating candidate communications and improve attendance rates with meeting reminders.

    Zoho Recruit features.

      Bulk SMS campaigns: Send bulk messages to your candidate database to notify new jobs and share updates.

      SMS templates: Personalise messages using data from Zoho Recruit. You can include first name, last name and get creative with custom fields.

    Getting started.

    Klaviyo Integrations image

    85+ integrations. Super easy SMS Hub. Powerful stuff.

    Adding SMS to your existing software makes so much sense. You not only grab your customers' attention with two-way conversations - but have access to the data and automation that holds it. Cherry on the top? You also get access to the MessageMedia Hub. We play nice with others so you can work the way you want to.

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    Ready to go?

    The easiest way to send engaging messages to your customers.

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